Saturday, April 28, 2012

Things you need to know about George (His story)

To know about Ikthoos, we would like to tell you about our Founder & CEO George Fuller, how Ikthoos was established, and what Ikthoos offers.

George grew up in church. However, he believed he was a good person and going to church would save him from hell. His next door neighbors offered to take him to church. During a youth activity his 8th grade year, George heard the Gospel. The Gospel says that Jesus died for sinners. Nothing we do can do what Jesus did. Jesus died to bring us back to God. Understanding that church attendance did not provide salvation any more than being in a garage turned him into a car, George responded to the Gospel and was saved.

George continued to grow closer to God through the Bible and church attendance. He enjoyed interacting with teens in the youth group. One very important part of his spiritual growth was one-on-one discipleship. The neighbors that took him to church took him under their wing to train him to be a follower of Jesus.

During high school, George completed 2 years of vocational technical training in Building and Construction Trades. He also gained knowledge and experience on the jobsite. George joined the Army right after he graduated high school. After 3 years of Active Duty Army, he switched to the Army Reserves right before his first semester at Baptist Bible College, Springfield, MO.

George met his future wife at church, where they are still members. Together they have 3 children. He and his family are active in their church. He and his wife assist in the youth department and are pursuing certification as Biblical Counselors.

George graduated with a Bachelors of Arts in Intercultural Studies from Baptist Bible College. George has been in the Army for over 13 years and has been deployed twice to the Middle East. He is currently an Army Senior Instructor at the Military Occupational Specialty Reclassification and Non-Commissioned Officer School for Chaplain Assistants.

George has owned different businesses over the years. Apart from his entrepreneurial “lawn care service” he started in middle school, George’s first business was a shoe shine stand. Fuller Shine was a very successful startup. Next he started a pressure washing business. Though this business was a very successful startup as well, George needed something that wasn’t seasonal. So he started another business.

The first home that George and his wife bought was a brand new house. Unfortunately, the house was built very poorly. The developer did not honor the 1 year builder’s warranty. With their house built the way it was, his educational background, and on the job experience, George completed home inspection certification and started a home inspection business.

During his time as a Home Inspector, George became involved with local business networking groups. As he met new people, he heard testimonies from Christian business owners about their faith in Jesus. Their faith set the tone for their life, to include their business practices. Encouraged by the commonality and commitment of fellow Christians, George set out to bring them together.

Ikthoos was established after George spent over a year in research and development on a website that would service these businesses. George originally envisioned a Christian online business directory called However, he wanted the website to be more inclusive. By changing the name to Ikthoos (a phonetic spelling of the Greek word “fish”) and adding the general term "organizations," George developed a mechanism that links people to Businesses, Churches, Missionaries, Non-profits, and other organizations committed to God's glory.

George and his family are passionate about Church and Missions work. Ikthoos is a website that tells the Gospel. The Ikthoos Statement of Faith is essentially the Gospel. Anyone interested in membership will have to consider the Gospel and their personal response.

So those are some things you need to know about George.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Christian Affiliation = Lost Customers and Profits

This statement was given to generate discussion. It is presented to Christian Business Owners. Please provide your answer with the Great Commandment in mind.

Dave: “First rule of business... Never mix religion with business... period...”

George: “Thanks for the answer.

Since taxes were due just recently; what worldview does one complete their tax forms in business? How do Christians, who say they keep religion and business separated, fill out their tax forms; by what standard? If "business ethics" is the answer, who wrote these ethics and why are they placed above or alongside biblical standards?

I'm a Christian that holds to what the Bible says and this is something that transcends business ownership. This allows me to make the right ethical discussions in business. I get my standard from the Bible. A good tax standard is found in Mark 12:17.

Jesus said “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.

Whether I drive a car, run a business, attend a baseball game, live in my home, or speak to others; I'm a Christian first. I have a Christian worldview rooted in the Bible. I'm a Christian which is inseparable, regardless of title, position, word, or action.

Thanks again for the comment.”

Does Christian Affiliation = Lost Customers and Profits? No. It equals opportunity to share one's faith with others and accountability.

Galations 6:10 –

“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.” 

Founder & CEO
“Connecting the Christian Community!”

 (650) 308-4667

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Remember This; God Affiliated Himself With Us

Here’s my perspective:

Let's compare a couple things.

I'm a home inspector and I put affiliate logos such as certification (to include radon, mold, etc.) as well as local chamber of commerce logos on my marketing materials. Some home inspectors get on a Realtor list for referrals. I've had people call me because I was not on a Realtor list. It's the customer's choice. Some people will look down on certain affiliations, etc. But some people like that I've aligned with authorities in the industry such as continuing education trainers and home inspection associations.
Consider this, I just reenlisted this morning for 6 more years in the Army. I don't say this for attention; that's not my point. I put Veteran Owned Business on my business cards and website. Why? One reason is for accountability. I hold myself to the military standards and experiences within my business because that’s who I am. Another reason is because I know people want to do business with Vets. Does that make me greedy? Some may think so and that's okay. I'm proud to serve the greatest nation on Earth.

Putting affiliation logos, showing military pride, and/or sticking a Christian fish on your marketing materials is to show who you are and what you will and will not stand for. It may or may not affect your customers base in a negative way. However, we need to remember niche marketing. In the marketed masses, one has to pick a target market. A lot of marketing has become white noise. Mr. Keeter is on point when he gave his example of buying an expensive suit. Market to those you know will do business with you for maximum ROI. I don't market to renters as a home inspector. Does that affect or negate potential customers, yes. However, my other marketing efforts more than make up for marketing to the wrong people. Those who fish go where the fish live. Sometimes those fish are Christian fish. That's was my attempt at humor.

If someone has done a study on the comparison of Christian owned business vs. not revealing Christian owned business and how it relates to dollars, I think we would all benefit from your quantitative findings. It is about dollars. That’s why I’m in business; to provide for my family. I'm looking for concrete statistical information. Business marketing involves what works and what doesn't work. I'm working on a project to show the public's opinion on this very topic.

The important thing is to remember that we are ambassadors for Christ, wherever we are, if we show our Christian affiliation or not.

Remember this; God affiliated Himself with us.

“For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die—but God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
(Romans 5:6-8 ESV).”

For all Christians; those that stick a fish on their car and those that don’t want to show a Christian affiliation within the market place and may be believe that personal life is personal and business life is business, let me challenge your thinking as well as my own by asking;
How does the world know you’re Christians? Are we known by a Christian fish?

No, we are known by our fruit; what our inner man (heart) produces and our outer man does (word or deed). (Matthew 7:16)

Jesus said we speak out of the overflow of the heart. Do I run my business according to Scripture?

If we don’t show the “fish,” we are to still bare the fruit of the spirit.

If we do tell everyone we are a Christian Business Owner, we are to still bear the fruit of the spirit (Gal. 5:22-23 ESV) Some act as the world when they have “Jesus saves” printed on their estimate or invoice.

I’m a Certified Home Inspector and a Veteran Business Owner. I'm a Christian but my business isn't. I’m a Christian Business Owner not a Christian Business Owner.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the Founder and Perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
(Hebrews 12:1-2)

Do all things unto the Lord!

God bless you and your business!

Founder & CEO
“Connecting the Christian Community!”

Friday, April 13, 2012

I'm a Christian but my business isn't.

Christian Business Owners,

I would like to take the opportunity to encourage you.

This August will mark my 14th year in the Army. I've been on both Active Duty and Reserve Duty. I've been deployed 2 times overseas; once to Kuwait and once to Iraq. I've been in Field Artillery as a crew member for the multiple launch rocket systems. I graduated from Baptist Bible College in 2006 and started grad school the next semester. Currently, I'm an Army Reserve Instructor for the Chaplain Assistant Reclassification and Non Commissioned Officer School. Soldiers are Soldiers 24/7/365. At any moment I will pick up my gear and defend to the death! 

Soldiers don't just drop their gear and leave when they don't feel like being a Soldier. That's called Absent Without Leave (AWOL).

Sometimes I drive like a mad man. I choose to be frustrated at drivers that seemingly don't know how to drive. We all pay taxes for roads, but I want everyone else to get off the roads so I can drive without obstructions.

At home, I allow myself to get frustrated by clutter. I want to come home to a clean home even though we have 3 children, all under the age of 5. I sin against them with my words.

As you read in an earlier post, trials don't cause us to sin; trials reveal our heart, our inner man. Why discuss this? What's the point here? Why post about your sinful responses? What does this have to do with me; a Christian Business Owner?

Here's the point: I'm a sinner saved by grace! When I start my car, my salvation doesn't change. When I come home to a mess, I don't leave God's saving grace at the door.

It's the exact opposite: I'm a Christian. I'm a Christian Soldier. I'm a Christian Dad. I'm a Christian driver. I'm a Christian when I'm attending a church service. I'm a Christian neighbor. And yes, I'm a Christian business owner. Yes, I run (by God's grace) a business.

Christians are Christians 24/7/365/FOREVER. Christians don’t just drop their adoption status or salvation or shouldn’t leave their Bible at home just because they own a business.

Let me draw your attention to the Standard: 

John 15:17-19
  Jesus said “If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you.”

John 16:33
  Jesus said “I have said these things to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” (emphasis mine).

Romans 1:16-17
  Paul said “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek (emphasis mine).

Matthew 5:15-17
  Jesus said “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven” (emphasis mine).

How will others see our light if we hide it under a basket? Put it on a hill, on your marketing materials, so the world can see!

The above Scriptures are very specific. In this life, we will have trouble, even in business. Why? Because we live in a sin cursed world. Also, because we let others know about our faith in Jesus.

We need to be “light” wherever we are; on the battle field, in the car, at church, and yes, in business. We are ambassadors for Christ. We are to speak on His behalf.

I don’t parade my military service around for selfish gain. I don’t say I’m a Soldier to gain applause or out of an entitlement mindset or even to get a thank you. However, I did put Veteran owned business on my website and business cards. Why? Because military service has changed my life. Because I do business a little differently than others, given my military experience and training.

The same applies to my relationship with Jesus.

The title states, “I'm a Christian but my business isn't.” Why? Because businesses can’t be Christians; they’re not human. Lame joke, I know.

I’m a Christian…business owner not a Christian business…owner. This is a fundamental difference in definition.

People want to do business with Christians because we are more likely to be trustworthy among other things. People want to trust their mechanic, handyman, and plumber. We say we’re Christians because we want our customers to know we will treat them the way the Bible says we should.

What does the Bible say about how we should treat others?

Treat others the way you want to be treated.

Love your neighbor.

Put other’s interests before your own.

Die to yourself.

Speak the truth in love.

Among others

I’m a Christian that strives to shine in my business. That’s full time ministry right there! I’m blessed to be a Christian and honored to be a business owner. By God’s grace, I’m a Christian business owner and I’m not ashamed to let others know. I don’t use the term “Christian owned business” lightly. And that’s why I let others know about my Christian owned business. I put a Christian fish on my website and business cards. Why? Because God changed my life. Because I want customers to know that I will treat them according to Scripture.

Christians, if you own a business, don’t go AWOL. Share your faith, according to Scripture!

Yes, you can comment on my opinions and exegesis. I welcome the opportunity to learn and grow. I don’t claim to know it all, by any means.

George Fuller
Founder & CEO
Ikthoos, LLC
(650) 308-4667

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Do you know about Inbound Marketing?

Christian Business Owners,
Take some time to view this video. Take good notes. Leave comments here and share this content with others. Enjoy!


George Fuller
Founder & CEO
Ikthoos, LLC
(650) 308-4667

Trials and how to take joy in them.

Jeremiah 17:9
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?

James 1:2-4
Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

We are going through a trial…Count it all joy (James 1:2-4)
How? This is how:
1.      We see our response (outer man) to any given trial, which reveals our heart (inner man). Jesus said we speak out of the overflow of our heart. Our heart is exposed for a brief moment, when otherwise it is unobservable (Jeremiah 17:9).
2.      When our heart is revealed, it is an opportunity to confess, repent, and change by God’s ever sufficient grace!
3.      That is true joy; knowing that trials allow us to be refined into Christlikeness, which brings God more glory. And God’s glory is what it’s all about!

Example: Anger that is not directed at sin is sin. What I mean is this; I should be angry when someone is murdered. I should not be angry when someone cuts me off in traffic. I should be angry that Death still has a hold on mankind. I should not be angry that God allows people to die.

More specifically, my Father-in-law passed away 2/7/12. I didn’t like that God (being omniscient) implemented His plan within my life. “How dare you God take this man from us” was hidden within my heart. I didn’t like that our children would not know or see their Papa. I was angry that he was taken from us by something that seemed so trivial and routine. I began to point my accusatory finger at doctors, nurses, and even God. His death revealed my direct anger at God. I didn’t see my selfishness, worldly mindedness (as opposed to eternally minded), or my unwillingness to allow God to bend or even break my plans apart for something He knows to be better. But I didn’t see all this before. The trial revealed my heart.

[Note: To know what trials are, it is helpful to know what they are not. Trials are not God’s way of punishing us for something we didn’t do but should have or something we did do but shouldn’t have. God doesn’t allow someone to be sick only because they forgot to read the Bible and pray that morning. God didn’t give me a flat tire because I was sleepy in church. This is an animistic worldview. Animism is simply defined as humans appeasing the spirits or gods in order to receive a desired outcome. E.g. Ritualistic dance to bring rain. I dance, you bring the rain. You get what you want (worship) and I get what I want (rain). If I don’t dance in worship, you will bring a drought. Christianity is the only religion that isn’t based in animism even though some of what Christians do is animistic, e.g. carrying a Bible for good luck or believing God will automatically and continually bring nothing but blessings when doing what’s right or He’ll zap us when we get out of line. Cross-reference 2 Timothy 3:12 and 1 Peter 2:19-21. This does not negate God’s disciple toward us when we willingly continue in sin without confession and repentance.]

What’s the meaning of all this?

God chose a long time ago, without our counsel or consent, to use trails to reveal our hearts, so that we, through His grace, can become more like Jesus, with the ultimate goal of receiving more glory from us and getting more glory for Himself. It’s all about His glory, not the relief of present sufferings. God, in His infinite wisdom, may choose not to answer our prayers the way we want Him to because He is accomplishing His ultimate, holy plan. Our prayers should then be calibrated accordingly; “God, please help me respond in a godly way within this trial. But when my heart is revealed within this trial, I pray for wisdom (James 1:5) and grace to change to be more like Your Son. Help me glorify You, whatever the outcome.”

These words may seem like salt and lemon juice in an open wound but they are God’s words. Count it (synonym: consider it) all joy. God will finish what He started in each of us. He uses trials to refine us.

Remember this: Romans 8:18 says, For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. Amen!

I hope this is an encouragement to you.

George Fuller
Founder & CEO
Ikthoos, LLC
(650) 308-4667
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