Saturday, April 28, 2012

Things you need to know about George (His story)

To know about Ikthoos, we would like to tell you about our Founder & CEO George Fuller, how Ikthoos was established, and what Ikthoos offers.

George grew up in church. However, he believed he was a good person and going to church would save him from hell. His next door neighbors offered to take him to church. During a youth activity his 8th grade year, George heard the Gospel. The Gospel says that Jesus died for sinners. Nothing we do can do what Jesus did. Jesus died to bring us back to God. Understanding that church attendance did not provide salvation any more than being in a garage turned him into a car, George responded to the Gospel and was saved.

George continued to grow closer to God through the Bible and church attendance. He enjoyed interacting with teens in the youth group. One very important part of his spiritual growth was one-on-one discipleship. The neighbors that took him to church took him under their wing to train him to be a follower of Jesus.

During high school, George completed 2 years of vocational technical training in Building and Construction Trades. He also gained knowledge and experience on the jobsite. George joined the Army right after he graduated high school. After 3 years of Active Duty Army, he switched to the Army Reserves right before his first semester at Baptist Bible College, Springfield, MO.

George met his future wife at church, where they are still members. Together they have 3 children. He and his family are active in their church. He and his wife assist in the youth department and are pursuing certification as Biblical Counselors.

George graduated with a Bachelors of Arts in Intercultural Studies from Baptist Bible College. George has been in the Army for over 13 years and has been deployed twice to the Middle East. He is currently an Army Senior Instructor at the Military Occupational Specialty Reclassification and Non-Commissioned Officer School for Chaplain Assistants.

George has owned different businesses over the years. Apart from his entrepreneurial “lawn care service” he started in middle school, George’s first business was a shoe shine stand. Fuller Shine was a very successful startup. Next he started a pressure washing business. Though this business was a very successful startup as well, George needed something that wasn’t seasonal. So he started another business.

The first home that George and his wife bought was a brand new house. Unfortunately, the house was built very poorly. The developer did not honor the 1 year builder’s warranty. With their house built the way it was, his educational background, and on the job experience, George completed home inspection certification and started a home inspection business.

During his time as a Home Inspector, George became involved with local business networking groups. As he met new people, he heard testimonies from Christian business owners about their faith in Jesus. Their faith set the tone for their life, to include their business practices. Encouraged by the commonality and commitment of fellow Christians, George set out to bring them together.

Ikthoos was established after George spent over a year in research and development on a website that would service these businesses. George originally envisioned a Christian online business directory called However, he wanted the website to be more inclusive. By changing the name to Ikthoos (a phonetic spelling of the Greek word “fish”) and adding the general term "organizations," George developed a mechanism that links people to Businesses, Churches, Missionaries, Non-profits, and other organizations committed to God's glory.

George and his family are passionate about Church and Missions work. Ikthoos is a website that tells the Gospel. The Ikthoos Statement of Faith is essentially the Gospel. Anyone interested in membership will have to consider the Gospel and their personal response.

So those are some things you need to know about George.

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