As you know, it is not a light source but a mirror. It
reflects our Sun.
It never rotates. So yes, there is a dark side of the moon.
The moon is only 238,900 miles away from us. Its size
appears to be the same size as the Sun because it is so much closer than our Sun.
Interestingly enough, the last time a human was on the Moon
was in 1972. The Moon's gravitational pull causes ocean tides on Earth.
Here's a size comparison of Earth and our Moon. Gravitational coupling between their rotations accelerate the Moon's orbit around the Earth. As a result, the
distance between the Earth and Moon is increasing, and the Earth's rotation is
slowing down.
Isn't God awesome!?
Stars: Here's the Earth compared to our Sun! Our Sun can reach 27 million degrees (F) at it's core! Let's compare our Sun to another star.
Here's the Sun compared to a star called Betelgeuse! Do you still see our Sun? Look closely. It's the little yellow dot just off center and to the left. Betelgeuse is a huge red star. Betelgeuse is red because it doesn't burn as hot as our white hot Sun. This star is so huge, it can fit 160 million of our Suns inside it. And that's at its smallest size. You see, this star pulsates like a heart. It expands and contracts every 6 years. Since it's red and pulses like a heart, it's also known as The Valentine's Day Star
Isn't God awesome!?
This is Betelgeuse (red) compared to the biggest star we know of called, VY Canis Majoris (yellow).
It is immensely larger than anything we could ever imagine! It's diameter is approximately 1.6 billion miles!
Lightning: There are over 4 million lightning strikes on our planet, every day!
4 MILLION! When lightning strikes, it rips through the air so fast and at such high temperatures that it breaks nitrogen molecules, enabling their atoms to combine with oxygen in the air forming nitrogen oxides. These dissolve in rain, forming nitrates. As anyone in the lawn care industry can tell you, nitrates help plants grow.
God is awesome!
Awesome! That's a word we hear often. A simple definition of "awesome" would be "to stand in awe, awe inspiring, overflowing with adoration. It's that feeling of awe while looking over the Grand Canyon or at a huge mountain. I submit that only God is awesome!
So we've considered the moon, a few stars, and lightning. Think about it. God set these things
in their place just by His voice. He spoke these things into being! God is
When I look
at Your heavens,
the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,
what is
man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You care
for him?
[Psalm 8:3-4]
Now, I have a question for you: What are we? Not who are we, but what are we?
We are made in His image! We are...His!
Ask yourself these questions.
Do we foster a hunger for God in ourselves and others?
Do we pursue God?
When's the last time we looked into the dark night sky and considered the work of His fingers?
Do we stand in awe of God?
"Awesome" is a word that only rightly describes God.
Stand in awe of God!
Here's a quick video about how little we really are:
In Christ,