Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Riddle: What's the opposite of fire?

Riddle: What's the opposite of fire?
What's your answer?                              
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Answer: Rust. Fire is rapid oxidation. Rust is slow oxidation.
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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Do Americans Support Christian Businesses?

Here's some great information from Barna 
about consumer habits concerning Christian businesses. 
It's time to list your Christian business on Ikthoos.org!  
See what Ikthoos.org is all about (video).

Monday, April 1, 2013

Smile When You Get Punched In The Face!

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? Jeremiah 17:9
Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. James 1:2-4

When we go through a trial, count it all joy! James didn't say, "Smile when you get punched in the face." The joy James had in mind was not a fake smile. It was a deeply rooted, genuine joy. When we go through trials we must consider them all joy. How? This is how:

1. When we go through a trial, our response to the trial reveals our heart (inner man). Jesus said we speak out of the overflow of our heart (Luke 6:45). Within a trial, the shutter of our heart opens for a brief second and our heart is exposed, giving us a window into what would otherwise be unobservable (Jeremiah 17:9).
2. When our heart is revealed, it is an opportunity to confess, repent, and change by God's ever sufficient grace!
3. We can take joy in knowing that trials allow us to be refined into Christlikeness, and this brings glory to God. God's glory is what it"s all about.

Anger. I submit that no one and nothing makes us angry. They only reveal our angry heart (inner man). Anger is already inside us. Outside environments are often blamed; "That guy makes me so angry." However, much like a fruit tree produces fruit, we produce the outer fruit of our inner man (Luke 6:45). There's sinful anger and righteous anger. Anger that is not directed at sin is itself sin. What I mean is this; I should be angry when someone is murdered. I should not be angry when someone cuts me off in traffic. I should be angry that Death still has a hold on mankind. I should not be angry at God because He allows people to die.
Here's a personal example. My father-in-law passed away last year. I didn't like that God, being all-knowing, implemented His plan in our lives. "How dare you, God, take this man from us," was hidden deep within my heart. I didn't like that our children would not see or know their Papa. I was angry that he was taken from us by something that seemed so trivial and routine. I began to point my accusatory finger at doctors, nurses, and eventually at God, Himself. His death revealed my direct anger at God. Tucked tightly away in a dark corner of my heart was my selfishness, worldly-mindedness, and my unwillingness to allow God to bend or even break my plans to pieces for something He knows to be better. And I may never know what that "something better" is, this side of eternity. You see, I wasn't thinking of eternity. I was thinking of life here on Earth. I didn't see all this before. The trial revealed my angry heart. Now that I see this brand of anger, I can grow by His relentless grace. God specifically crafts situations for our growth and His glory.

[Note: To know what trials are, it may be helpful to know what they are not. Trials are not God's way of punishing us for doing something we shouldn't have done or not doing something we should have done. God doesn't allow someone to be sick only because they forgot to read the Bible and pray that morning. God doesn't give us a flat tire because we fell asleep while praying. This is an animistic worldview. Animism is simply defined as humans appeasing spirits or gods in order to receive a desired outcome, e.g. ritualistic dancing to bring the rain. Hey god! I'll dance, you bring the rain. You get what you want (worship) and I get what I want (rain). If I don't dance in worship, you will bring a drought. Christianity isn't based on animism. Tragically, some Christians practice animism, e.g. carrying a Bible for good luck. Some believe God will bless them when they do what's right or zap them when they get out of line. Take a minute to cross-reference 2 Timothy 3:12 and 1 Peter 2:19-21. This does not nullify God disciplining us when we willingly continue to sin without confession and repentance.]

Okay, so what's the meaning of all this? God chose a long time ago - without our counsel or consent - to use trails to reveal our heart, so that we, through His grace, can become more like Jesus, with the ultimate goal of receiving more glory for Himself. It's all about His glory, not relief of our present sufferings. God – in His infinite wisdom – may choose not to answer our prayers the way we want Him to answer them. He is accomplishing His ultimate, holy plan, not ours. Our prayers should then be calibrated accordingly; "God, please help me honor You and respond in a godly way within this trial. But when my heart is revealed within this trial, I pray for wisdom (James 1:5) and grace to change to be more like Your Son. Help me glorify You, whatever the outcome."

These words may seem like sea salt packed tightly into a gaping puncture wound. However, it is helpful to reflect on verse 2; "Count it all joy..." or consider it all joy. God will finish what He started in each of us. He uses trials to refine us into Christlikeness, for His glory. This is the Potter kneading and molding the clay for His purpose. Where we may see ourselves as just another jar of clay, He is shaping us into holy vessels. This should bring us true joy.

Paul wrote to the Romans, "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us" (Romans 8:18). Trials reveal what's already on the inside. When the heart is exposed, we must seek grace and wisdom to become more like Jesus. When we are more like Jesus, we bring more glory to God. Count it all joy!

Founder & CEO
Ikthoos, LLC
"Connecting the Christian Community!"

(650) 308-4667

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

What Others Say About Your Business Affects Your Business!

What others say about your business affects your business!
Follow this link: Testimonials

George Fuller

Friday, February 1, 2013

Reconsider "Accepting Jesus Into Your Heart"

I used to think nothing of "accepting Jesus into your heart." That is until recently. I can tell you my testimony. However, I can't tell you a specific time or day I reconsidered the whole "accepting" thing. On any given day, I drive circles around the greater Springfield, MO area. Within these circles, I heard it mentioned that we don't accept Jesus into our hearts. God accepts us through Jesus. I had to paraphrase the previous 2 sentences because the idea was planted as a very small seed. Someone may have mentioned it within a bigger statement. It may have even been something said as a side note. To whoever mentioned this; sorry I can't give you credit for planting this idea in my head. Thanks thought. But this idea, this truth, is anything but a side note. I want you to reconsider "accepting Jesus into your heart." Watch the video below featuring David Platt and leave your comments.

George Fuller
Founder & CEO
Ikthoos, LLC
"Connecting the Christian Community!"

Ikthoos Magazine
(650) 308-4667

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Are You Resolved?

Two-thousand twelve was a difficult year for many. It was definitely a difficult year for the Fuller family. Through the trials, God made it clear that He is good, He is still in control, and that He allows trials in our lives.

A new year brings a fresh start. Many choose to make New Year’s resolutions. Some resolutions may be to lose weight, to read through the Bible within one year, to start family devotions, or to get out of debt. These are all good resolutions. However, there is one resolution that we must focus on more intensely. Will we make a resolution to share the Gospel more in 2013 than you did in 2012?

St. Francis of Assisi is credited with saying “Preach the Gospel and if necessary, use words.” Many people know this statement and ascribe him as the author. However, he didn’t actually make this statement. Additionally, I submit that this is not a biblical view of sharing the Gospel.

The Bible says it is absolutely necessary to share the Gospel by using words. More specifically, we must share the Gospel from God’s word. Paul warned against preaching “another gospel” (2 Corinthians 11:4, Galatians 1:8) There’s general revelation; creation points to the Creator.

Then there’s special revelation; the Word of God. Without words, it’s just general revelation, which is not specifically the Gospel. People all over the world recognize the general but are never told the specific. Creation, itself does a wonderful job pointing to a Creator, but somehow humans do not. It’s been said; Oh the grace of God that I’ve heard the Gospel so many times when others have never heard it once! We must share the Gospel with words!

I challenge you to: Preach the Gospel from God’s word, and when necessary, preach it to yourself!
Share the Gospel with coworkers, neighbors, and other people we come into contact with on a daily basis. Let’s memorize the Great Commission:

And Jesus came and said to them, All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:18-20)

We must sing with conviction, “I am resolved no longer to linger, charmed by the world’s delight; things that are higher, things that are nobler, these have allured my sight.”*

George Fuller
Founder & CEO
Ikthoos, LLC
"Connecting the Christian Community!"

(650) 308-4667

*(Hymn “I Am Resolved” Words by Palmer Hartsough. Music by James H. Fillmore)