Thursday, May 31, 2012

How To Understand Ikthoos Better

Usually I don’t post too many times about Ikthoos. I would rather provide encouragement and ideas on how to be a bold Christian business owner or Christian in the workplace.

However, we are very excited to share our new video with the world through social media and the blogosphere on How To Understand Ikthoos Better! Please spread the word by putting a link to this blog on your blog and social media sites.

I’m asking a lot, I know, but please provide some feedback about this video and even itself. We want to make Ikthoos the best Christian directory for Churches, Missionaries, and Christian Owned Businesses (click these hyperlinks to view examples)!

We are about Connecting the Christian Community! Please share Ikthoos! Thank you very much in advance!

Founder & CEO
“Connecting the Christian Community!”

(650) 308-4667

Monday, May 28, 2012

How do people see you at work?

Consider this video. How do people see you at work? How do you represent Jesus, every minute?

Founder & CEO
“Connecting the Christian Community!”

(650) 308-4667

Thursday, May 24, 2012

How Will You Spend Memorial Day?

Blood was spilt on foreign and domestic soil for the freedoms we enjoy. Stop and think about the true meaning of Memorial Day. It's not about flowers, BBQs, and sales. It's about honoring military men and women paying the ultimate price for others. Enjoy Memorial Day, but don't forget.

Founder & CEO
“Connecting the Christian Community!”

(650) 308-4667

Thank you for posting this video on YouTube.

Friday, May 18, 2012

It Ain't What You Don't Know That Gets You Into Trouble

It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
~ Mark Twain

Why this quote? Someone has recently noted that shopping has changed. Has your marketing? Ikthoos is not an online telephone book or brochure. It's an interactive hub "Connecting the Christian Community!" Visit Ikthoos to learn more.

Founder & CEO
“Connecting the Christian Community!”

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(650) 308-4667

Biker Shares the Gospel at Work

Follow this link to watch as thiBiker Shares the Gospel at Work!

He shares his faith and his ministry. It's where the rubber meets the road.

Here's some added background. Back in the 90's, a family moved in next door to Darrell and his wife. They had a teen boy. Darrell and his wife invited him to their church. The teen enjoyed going to church and youth activities. They continually poured their lives and faith into this him. They loved him as their own. They taught him important life lessons. One night at a youth activity, the youth leader said something that threw open the curtains on the teen's heart and beliefs and the Gospel became clear to this teen. The teen believed he was doing the right things and that going to church would grant him entrance into Heaven. At the end, the teen approached the youth leader and they talked about salvation. The teen dropped his "good works" believe system right there and believed in the saving power and substitutionary death of Jesus.

Had Darrell and his wife not offered to take this teen to church and be Ambassadors for Christ, the teen would not have heard and responded to the Gospel.

Who was this teen?


Founder & CEO
“Connecting the Christian Community!”

Blog ~ Facebook ~ Twitter ~ LinkedIn ~ Google+ ~ Delicious ~ (650) 308-4667

Saturday, May 12, 2012

2 Videos You Must Consider

Here are 2 videos you must consider. These videos speak about Christian owned businesses. More specifically, they speak about being a Christian in business.

After you watch these videos, leave some comments. Please share this post through your social media.

Founder & CEO
“Connecting the Christian Community!”

(650) 308-4667